Sunday, November 11, 2007

11/11/07-bersih march around KL.

I was in the room when my room mate arrived back from the friends house.then before the dawn break, we couldn't sleep so we started talking about things that was, were, is happening around us.

**one vivid incident that i can still remember for the dawn talking was,

while her way back to the hostel, there was police block all around damansara area and other places too. she wonder why? that traffic cause her to arrived back to the hostel very late.while we still talking about the incident, i started to think maybe it was due to some hunt down to crack the robber where about, that is y the Police control the traffic.

so taday i started to check on the internet to find a cue or an answer to the whole mystery..then i log on to to check out the curiosity...then only i found out that yesterday the is a peace marching group marching and chanting for BERSIH and fairness in the next coming general election. Based on the video above the police have to keep the people from gathering much more, so they spray tear gas and water on the protesters.

Among the roads that were closed to motorists were Jalan Tun Perak, Jalan Parlimen, Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Kinabalu, Jalan Istana and Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.

i must agree with the aim all of them are marching for:

Bersih and fairness in every decision that the comminty member of the next general election made..

** today also, Ps. Daniel Ho, was pleading with us to pray for our country's law & the rate right now, currently we don't have a Chief Judge for the right now whatever court cases that are going to be debated, those who is dealing with the decision making session about justice and fairness unto others.

WE R PRIEST, We Should take up the priesthood to pray that God will touch the heart of ppl for this two situation.

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