Saturday, October 23, 2010

self- reflection

Time alone, is a good time, to clear up your head and do what is necessary for you to improve yourself and enjoy being yourself. it's a reflection of what are your weeks and how are you take it so far.

If all the time you are with friends that would mean that it's good cos you got company but sometimes, there is time to be alone.

I guess that how human are build up to be.

Self Reflection: it's important to know that life is in the blood flowing through one's body. So life is sacred.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I dreamed about you on friday before my dawn begin. I felt weird but no doubt I was excited, and started to think what is the dream all about. Then I continue as I normally would do for work and at office and going back home.

After reaching home, I started preparing myself for Chairmaine's house warming party. I did not think much about it and I enjoyed myself over at her house.

Hence, while preparing for Chairmaine's house warming party, I was early so I decided to doll up- culler and eye make up. Then after James call for yum cha that night, I was saying ok and I call along Jun Kit and Filbert too.

Then when I arrived at William's corner- I saw you. I look twice to double confirm that you are you. It's really you - YOU. I fumble around my bag to get my handphone to contact James. Then you walk over to come and greet me. I was excited...lolz...dunno why.......but no doubt I felt it's could be something that God is telling ka? We chatted for a while, while waiting for my YC 's kaki friends to arrived until your friends call you back because they need to go back to Nilai. you came all the way from Nilai to fetch your friends' brother and when William's to eat dinner cum supper....I was there for YC, wat a coincident. I still hold the torch for you...just dunno y? evethough (WE) happen long time ago.

I guess it's just FATE.