Sunday, February 27, 2011

half of my love story not completed

seeing my friends getting married one by one, I heard a cry in my heart that I am still single, I do not call for desperate measure to go out for man hunt, but it's hurt me to see that others have another half to lean on when you need a favour and you can return a favour. I have none.

This thoughts does not cheer me up. It makes me cry alot. I still waiting for the right person to come.

God , you will lead the way.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Someone will come for you--

Gaby said...

I completely understand you .. I am in a season of my life in which the person I love the most has been taken away from me. I had everything and suddenly I don't have anybody there for me.. it hurts . but I know this is an opportunity to fall even more in love with God and depend completely on Him. I encourage you to do the same. you wont regret it

AsesorĂ­a Financiera y Contable said...

He who laughs last, laughs best ;)

Anonymous said...

i know that you seek no compunction in writing this beautiful piece, but i feel that i must comment on what some might consider a wonderful fragility.
a smile, even a certain look in your eye might be all that is needed to ignite an interest between two people, as i'm sure you know. i would fear that in this instance God might prove an impediment. i would not allow my love of the universal power to throw up a barrier between myself and another human being. they are, after all, a tiny manifestation of the eternal joy that links the planets with far-reaching beams of pure, innocent love.
please bring your positivity and your strength to my blog:
Models From The Earth

rsctt said...

Yes, he will provide. And though it is true that it will "complete" you, if you choose out of want instead of the one that's for you, you could end up shedding a lot more tears. Cherish your single time, and wait on the Lord. For NO man is going make you complete.
This from a father and ow grandfather.

googetpay said...

nice posting

alkes said...

nice blog

_Disturbia_ said...

Im italy so sorry for my bad english.. Sometimes we fell alone in the middle of people.

jaw crusher said...

I had everything and suddenly I don't have anybody there for me

Anonymous said...

liz dear, what said by other's is true, when the time comes, you will never know someone will be waiting for you.

Sophia's Journal said...

I am in the same boat as you. totally understand...If you are in to reading books. Read Passion & Purity by Elisabeth Elliot.

Anonymous said...

your blog is really nice and interesting. Thanks for sharing.
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Anonymous said...

lol,nice story you made,but true love is always half in my point of view.
Vitel ofcourse

karim said...

Half sharing is interesting. Thanks